Friday, November 21, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
My Search for the Best Point & Shoot Compact Camera
In third place, I put the Canon PowerShot SD750 because it lakes beautiful pictures. However, as I stated earlier, beautiful pictures can't be taken with a paperweight. Until Canon chooses to recognize its cameras' errors, I'm not buying anything non-professional from them.

In second place, I put the Sony Cybershot DSCT300 because it also takes great pictures and looks very nice. The downside to Cybershot cameras is that the use Memory Sticks, not SD cards. Sorry SONY, I'm really not willing to shell out another $50 for some memory card I can't use with any other equipment. No, I'm not buying a PSP either.

In first place, I put the Panasonic DMC-LX3K because it is compact, yet semi-professional. It is more expensive, but it also takes great pictures (look it up on Flickr). I will most likely be buying this one in the near future.
♥ Chotpy
Friday, November 14, 2008
My experience with the G1 so far
Many have complained about the lack of a virtual keyboard, but one is in the works and should be out in January or close to that month. In all, it's a great phone and it's a joy to use.
In other news, free MetroCards are being given out, and I want one. I deserve one after the MTA's train delays on the 6 line caused me to be late for class AGAIN. Seriously, why is the MTA so inefficient? I'm tryng to be all green and environmentally clean, but they make me want to buy a car (which I don't have the money for). MTA, stop giving out all those bonuses and give me an on-time train.
That's all for today, boys and girls.
Until next time,
Friday, October 31, 2008
Rumors about Bloods gang targeting women on Halloween: What do you think?
I'm sure other people have seen this rumor, too.
According to SOMEONE, there will be slayings tonight for Bloods initiations. I don't know if it's true or not, but it's a sad and scary thought. I don't know why someone would kill someone just to be put in a gang to kill more people. Aren't our lives worth more than that?
Tell me what you guys think about this rumor.
In other news, the MTA has kept up its HORRIBLY DELAYED SERVICE. I was 30 minutes late for class because of signal problems. What's up with that?! I will say it was better than last year, but GEEZ, do you want me to fail out of my $100,000 education? STOP IT! If I leave 30 minutes early, I should get to school THIRTY MINUTES EARLY.
Loot at them. They're angry.
Also, WE NEED MORE FIVE TRAINS AND A BRONX-QUEENS-BROOKLYN TRAIN! I don't want a 2nd Ave line if there's no way to go straight to Brooklyn! Who thought it was a bad idea? I'll convince them otherwise.
I'm a sadistic dentist this Halloween. What are you?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Happy October!
It's cold in the city and you're probably waking up shivering. Here are some videos to warm you up with laughter!
This dude walks his cat. Awesome? Yes.
Ceiling Cat's cousin, TREE CAT, has come to town.
Ok, now the actually funny ones are here.
Last but not least, a present for all of you who got through the last three — the Smack Drummer.
You know you love it. I'll talk about coats the next time I'm on here.
Good day,
Chotpy ♥
Monday, September 29, 2008
Technology has become increasingly expendable.
My macbook battery died after 304 cycles. I bought it in 2006. It's only been two years since I bought this laptop, and the power cord has already burnt out [I bought another one], the battery died [I bought another one], and there's a new operating system available [I'm not buying it]. Who do you think is to blame for all of this lack of appreciation for old stuff?
I think technology is growing at an increasingly quicker rate each year. Last year, 4GB MicroSD cards were HUGE. Before that, 1GB MicroSD cards were. Before that, there were SD cards. DOES ANYONE EVEN REMEMBER THE ZIP DRIVE FROM THE YEAR 2000? It's scary how quickly technology has grown and how much we forget. So, when you think about buying a new phone after only two years of use, remember that old person who still uses her landline dialer from 1986.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Stop Smoking While Walking!
Okay, we need a rule like this in the city.
For some reason, more people have been infecting my lungs with smog in the last month than ever before. Do people have no regard for anyone else? Why is it that no one complains about this horrible thing? When I'm walking, I don't want to smell tobacco and feel sick. I want to breathe the fresh car fumes and acid rain the city is known for.
Smokers, please stand in place and smoke.
In other news, the 2 train service has been slightly better than it was last year at this time. I've experienced two delays this month and still managed to get to school on time. Hopefully the MTA will step up some more and stop hating on the Bronx.
The T-Mobile Android phone is slowly approaching, and I AM WAITING PATIENTLY! I'm EXCITED! Here's the invite:
I wish we here at BAPie were invited. We can all dream, no? That's a joke for all us Android insiders.
Well, I'm going to go be excited about free ice cream at Tasti D Lite. PEACE!
♥ Chotpy
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Fall in Love with Shoes
Here are some shoes I've seen online that I particularly like.
Quisa 01 Burn Pu Heel
These shoes are very simple, and the burnt mustard color is matchable with many colors.
Quisa 01 Red Heel
These are the same as above, but in a much flirtier color. Red kitten heels spice up the basic jeans-and-t-shirt combination.
Gabriella Rocha 1485 Fabia
With its small point and low heel, these shoes are very simple, comfortable, and subtly sexy.
Made by Elves Lennon Leather Skimmer
These shoes, like the Quisa 01 shoes, go well with many combinations. They are also cute and flat, which makes walking easy.
Bandana Bandit
These shoes are sexy and cute, as well as easy to walk in. They are very unique as well.
Sadly, these are available only in men's sizes, but hopefully as the rise of the Winklepicker continues to gain momentum, women's sizes will appear. The buckled ones are the cutest and give a simple dress a very tough feel.
That's all for now! Enjoy your week and have a nice day.
Stand clear of the closing doors,
Thursday, August 28, 2008
So recently I bought a new laptop because as a New Yorker, carrying anything over 5lbs in my bag is such a horrible task. It feels like a life sentence. I decided on the new EeePC 1000H because it was a bit larger and nicer-looking than its little cousins, the first EeePCs.
Here it is:
Cool, right? I went with the 80G because I'm a complete nerd and do love playing video games.
The Eeepc comes with a full-size keyboard, a few USB slots and an SD card reader. There is also online storage offered from ASUS, the makers of the EeePC. Overall, I'm both happy and impressed with it.
In other news, I saw a really weird guy on the train. I think he was doing drugs. Here's a still shot:
A few minutes later, he shifted forward and dropped his cigarettes; I guess he was..picking them up? Let's hope he didn't gag after I got off the train.
I shall leave you guys with a picture of the most awkward McDonald's treat ever.
Everyone loves cone in a cup.
♥ Chotpy
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Obama Chooses Biden as Running Mate

If you had applied for the Obama txtmsg system, you got a message at about 3:20 AM with the following:
"Barack has chosen Senator Joe Biden to be our VP nominee.
Watch the first Obama-Biden rally live at 3pm ET on
Spread the word!"
Here are a few pictures of the nominees together:

Joseph Biden, the 65-year-old Delaware senator has, by all accounts, a superlative resumé.
Biden's leadership of the foreign relations committee is expected to benefit Democrats during a presidential race that could be decided as much by Iran, Iraq and Russia as by the US.
His son is scheduled for a deployment to Iraq this year, and he has a palpable affection for Barack Obama.
Biden, first elected at the age of 30, is a demonstrably skilled debater. Washington has produced few sparkling wits, but he is one of them.
During a Democratic presidential debate in February, the famously talkative Pennsylvania native was asked whether he had the self-discipline to lead the free world.
Most expected one of his long-winded answers, but he shocked the crowd into laughter by answering: "Yes."
And he offered one of the most succinct putdowns of the campaign when he said of Rudy Giuliani: "There's only three things he mentions in a sentence - a noun, a verb and 9/11."
...Born into a working class family in Scranton, Pennsylvania on November 20 1942, Biden is not a household name but was arguably the most well-known of those being considered for the vice presidency by Obama.
He was the chairman of the Senate judiciary committee during two of the most contentious supreme court nomination battles of the past 50 years.
He led the opposition to the nominations of Robert H Bork, who was defeated, and Clarence Thomas, who was later confirmed.
...Biden is currently serving his sixth term as a member of the Democratic Party. He has served for the sixth-longest period among current senators, and is Delaware's longest-serving senator.
Hmm, he seems like a nice guy.
That is all for now.
Congrats to Obama for picking a stand up guy.
♥ Chotpy
Monday, August 18, 2008
Be KANYE?! WHY?! Also, Android Phones?!

photo taken by DIRKDARKROOM
Would you like to be Kanye? Is he really worth being? A man who has given us such hits as YOU SHOULD THANK GOD I'M PERFORMING FOR YOU and STOP PLAYING THE MUSIC, SRSLY is now a role model for us! Let the narcissism begin.
In all seriousness, I don't know where they were going with this campaign. I think that using Mr. West may backfire. People want to be less like him. Do you want to be seen as a Besides the fact that he has money, he's not THAT awesome. Maybe he gets paid to act that way. You know how hollywood is CRAZY!
T-Mobile is said to have released its 3G here in New York City, and I can't feel it because i still have my lovely Samsung D900!
I'm stuck between these three:
SE Xperia X1
Samsung TOCCO, A.K.A. F480
HTC G1 [Android Phone]
None of these have a price tag yet, but who cares? I've been waiting for years to upgrade and T-Mobile has really stepped up its game! FINALLY!!!
In other news, CHECK OUT OUR ADORABLE SHIRTS! Available in many colors and styles!
Welp, peace out ya'll!!! ^-^
Saturday, August 9, 2008
House Parties & Bernie Mac
It's 1:35 AM in the morning and I can't sleep. You know why? Because someone next door thinks it's okay to have an outdoor party at 1 in the morning! What kind of mess is this?
You know what sucks even more? 311 files this as a non-emergency, so I CANT SLEEP WITHOUT BLARING MUSIC IN THE EARS.
In other horrid news, Bernie Mac has passed. He was a funny man and his large eyes alone were a reason to giggle. Perhaps he is up in the good place making the angels laugh up a storm. If you didn't know, he had a disease that affected his immune system. I also heard that he was taking steroids for this and that it made his immune system worse. He was deeply loved and a great guy overall. He totally punched Dane Cook's comedy out of the window on the 27th story of the most epic non-existant building ever. Give him an airhug.
Today, it shall rain, as the angels are crying because they laughed so hard at his comedy skits.
Sunday, August 3, 2008
MetroCards and the Transit System
MetroCards have become obsolete garbage.
In other countries, transit cards are thicker, which gives it less of a flimsy feeling. Their subways are more efficient. In Japan, one doesn't even have to take their transit card out to pass through the turnstile. This is true in several countries. In such a country as this, why don't we have it here yet?
In a city as famous and full of tourists, why is our transit system so inefficient? In other countries, people can calculate arrival times of trains down to a second. Here, trains can be late by up to twenty minutes and riders are supposed to accept it. Honestly, many New Yorkers are too accepting of things.
The 2 train did not deserve the ratings it got on the latest Rider Report Card. Last year, the 2 train was delayed several times a month during rush hour, making me and thousands of others late for school and work. The 2 train deserves no less than a 70% for on-time arrival in the Bronx. This is also true for the 5 train.
MTA, cut back on those high 6-7 digit salaries and use it to give us good service. Also, stop wasting millions on cruddy MetroCards and give us a thicker, credit-card sized product like Japan's Suica.
That's all for today.
Until next time!!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Tight Clothes Don't Make you Cooler or Sweat Less!
Here is an example of what I see on the train:

Thursday, July 10, 2008
click here or the above logo to check it out!
click here or the above logo to check it out!
♥ Until next time! ♥