GAP's Boyfriend Cardigan

It was my local Californian friend's birthday this week! GO HIM! Dance in his Californian house! Here are some pictures of a sleeping man on the 6 train to celebrate his day.
He started out leaning over on his bag.

He randomly woke up and then laid his legs on the chair. WTF?

At least he was comfortable, I guess...
Don't emulate this guy. The other half of the car was full.
I'm not alone in my disliking of the MTA! Turns out that my good friend THRILA also recently experienced some subway hardships.
I hate you MTA Okay, no big surprise, who doesn't right? But today- how am I stuck on the train for a half-hour longer than normal hunched over like an old man with serious arthritis?! I don't know what's been going on with the trains as of this week, but it seems like everything goes wrong on the week that I go to class by myself. I couldn't even take in a breath without having my chest be some perv's arm rest. And it seems like everyone wanted to read my id number off of my bristol pad this morning. My idiotic fault for writing it there in the first place, but what the heck do those numbers mean to anyone else not going to the same school as me? nothing! so stop reading it, isn't not some code for you to go to work and decipher on your lunch break, nor is it some l33t message that I am trying to tell the whole world. It's my id number... that's it.
BUAHAHA! Please give us better service soon, MTA!
I shall leave you with a fun store window located on 23rd & Lexington!

GAP's Boyfriend Cardigan
These are all intensely comfortable!
It was my local Californian friend's birthday this week! GO HIM! Dance in his Californian house! Here are some pictures of a sleeping man on the 6 train to celebrate his day.
He started out leaning over on his bag.

He randomly woke up and then laid his legs on the chair. WTF?

At least he was comfortable, I guess...
Don't emulate this guy. The other half of the car was full.
I'm not alone in my disliking of the MTA! Turns out that my good friend THRILA also recently experienced some subway hardships.
I hate you MTA Okay, no big surprise, who doesn't right? But today- how am I stuck on the train for a half-hour longer than normal hunched over like an old man with serious arthritis?! I don't know what's been going on with the trains as of this week, but it seems like everything goes wrong on the week that I go to class by myself. I couldn't even take in a breath without having my chest be some perv's arm rest. And it seems like everyone wanted to read my id number off of my bristol pad this morning. My idiotic fault for writing it there in the first place, but what the heck do those numbers mean to anyone else not going to the same school as me? nothing! so stop reading it, isn't not some code for you to go to work and decipher on your lunch break, nor is it some l33t message that I am trying to tell the whole world. It's my id number... that's it.
BUAHAHA! Please give us better service soon, MTA!
I shall leave you with a fun store window located on 23rd & Lexington!
