Thursday, February 28, 2008


Why don't people automatically leave one turnstile open for those who need to swipe in?  Today, I missed my train because of this.  I'm pretty sure it's smart and considered courteous to do such a thing, but maybe we expect too much of the world.

I wonder the same thing when older people and women with bags are left standing on the train while younger guys sit there.  Maybe I expect too much, but I know that back in the old days, it was gentlemanly to give your seat up to  your elders and those in need.

When is a Target store coming to Manhattan?  There's one in Brooklyn, Queens, and in the Bronx.  Why isn't there one on 42nd Street [where they love to advertise]?  It has confused many and wasted money on train fare.  Maybe Target wants to lose money to Duane Reade and every clothing shop in that area.  

Speaking of Target, I want to check out their Converse One Star Straight Leg jeans.  

They look comfortable and I've been wanting some low-rise straight legs for about a year.  I'm usually ahead of the fashion scene.  My favorite looks recently have been girly pinks combined with semi-loose denim and bold sneakers.  Here are some examples:

Thanks to for the scans.  

This style's not TOO popular in the US yet, though I've seen more girls dressing TOTALLY like guys [it's very awkward, you end up staring, trying to figure out whether they're a girl or not].  A mix of both is very cute IMHO.  

Well, I'm all talked out, so ♣ PEACE! ♣

♣, Chotpy

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Using a Headset with your Cell Phone Does Make You Look Crazy

Eyyyy.  I've started to notice how weird people look when they use headsets.  The things are practically invisible, so it looks like they're talking to themselves.  The big headsets are awesome.  They make you feel like you're in a spy movie or something.  The tiny new ones aren't that cool and tend to get lost all the time.

There are a lot more rude people on the train now.  Is it really that hard to apologize to someone for bumping into them?  This lady literally bumrushed this other lady [she also managed to mess up her hair with her arm] like she didn't exist.  She didn't apologize once; she COMPLETELY ignored her.  People of New York, I know you have more sense than that.

I've also noticed an increase in people who think they can squeeze into an eight-inch space.  Look, if all the seats in a 4-person space are occupied, even if there is a tiny space, you should not try to fit in it.  You need to realize that when you do that, you make life VERY uncomfortable and lose potential friendships at the same time.  Do not try to say "excuse me" either, because if there is no room for you, we cannot magically widen the seat.  WE ARE NOT WITCHES, MAGICIANS, OR FAIRIES.  Stop being lazy and stand.  I stand when there is no space for me, so should you.

Yesterday, this lady did a great rendition of "On the Radio" for passengers on the 2 line.  It was great, but I didn't get a shot of it.  I'll just leave you with the music video.

Old school.

♥ Chotpy

Monday, February 18, 2008

53rd Street Is a Wondrous place

Hello there!  I am back from the caves of the subway!  I hope ya'll have been well. 

The Container Store is a wondrous place full of happiness!  I've never been inside, but just walking by it is an amazing experience.  YOU MUST GO!


People like to play music on the train for money, and it seems like there are more and more Mexican musicians have come to entertain us!  The interesting part is that there is usually one accordion player.  I researched a bit and found that they are playing NorteƱo music.  Here are the performers!

People are jerks sometimes, such as this guy who thinks it's okay to put his leg on a public seat.  


IT'S REALLY NOT OKAY!  Don't do it, even if the train is empty.  The worst people are the ones who fall asleep doing it.  The train gets crowded and then there are 2 seats occupied by a FOOT!  Shoes are dirty and belong on the floor.  Look what you could be doing with those feet on the floor.

I saw the post-valentine's Rocky Horror Picture Show.  I suggest going.  It is as fun as the escalator on 53rd Street [E line; 51st on the 6 line], which is VERY fun indeed!!!

WHOOOOOO!!!  They really should make a subway roller coaster.  

This is pretty awesome, these kids modified the tracks.  Watch this, you won't believe it.  I'm afraid.


I shall zoom off now, but I leave you with deliciously expensive cookies from McDonald's!  Each cookie comes with a set of rhinestone-encrusted chocolate chips!!!  

It's a joke, lols.

Peace, love, and corn chips!

♥ Chotpy

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

the chronicles of an ocean

So i haven't existed in a while...i do here i am and ill be here....

So i got a helio..IT ROCKZ!!!!...the plan is pretty cheap for what im getting. 500 mins for $65 a month, and everything else is unlimited. internet, you tube, texting, video and picture messaging...all that good the phone is the only phone that slides out in 2 a full keyboard and the regular phone key pad....its awesome

Also i have a small suggestion....dont always buy wats in style...i mad that mistake and it chomped my ass.....hard....i brought this coat that was in style in my hood...thing is...those jackets are i looked around cause i wanted to find it for cheaper.....i did...and it was the nest was lined with fur in the hood....i miss it...but it sprung a leak on me....lmaos....2 to be wasn't fun...i felt like a sponge cuz it rained so "wee wee" was soaked...not a great feeling when its 20 degrees so make sure that if your buying something that will be used often, choose comfort durability as oppose to style....

Cloverfeild was awesome...honestly....i loved it..but it is not for those who get motion sick....the camera is very shaky but it adds to the perspective and the over all mood of the movie....personally i want it on dvd...but i wouldn't mind seeing it

I'm getting published in my schools newspaper.... so this a step up from always doodling in my note

this is my homie

and this is what i do in psychology....

To sum it all up...lifes been up and subway....but as long as theres friends....and can make....(insert cheesy music here)

Dont forget to pull your pants up....SEAN.K

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Super Late Super Tuesday Recap, Giants Fanz0rs, and Moooooore!!!

Super Tuesday has passed, and now Mr. Romney has dropped out.  He was doing better than Huckabee, but meh!  Obama and Clinton are just about even.  Now to wait for the next primary!

There was a fire this Monday that put a lot of people out of work.  I wasn't that close, but I was affected by it.  The buses were PACKED, the 2 line was shut down for God knows how long, AND I lost $9 that day. 
Oh, how I miss those 9 dollars of goodness!

I had to take the D train.  It's been such a long time since I've taken the D train!

And then came Tuesday, the major primary day [that interestingly became the day for the Giants parade~ hmmm]!  There were Giants fans all over the subway stations!  They were like oddly-colored rats, but oh, the pride they had.  I made up a song for them.

Yeah.  Go Giants.
The trains were crowded as usual yesterday, but this time I wasn't there to experience the massive delays of the Lexington/7th Ave. lines!  HUZZAH!  Unfortunately, uptown 6 train riders had to deal with being shoved into a cigarette case-like situation.  Awkward.

Apparently there was an audition for NBC's Last Comic Standing on West 23rd Street that trailed around the block.  This is the info I took from NBC's Last Comic Standing site.

New York, NY - Feb. 7th
Gotham Comedy Club
208 W. 23rd St.
New York, NY 10011
TALENT SCOUTS: Richard Belzer (SVU) & Steven Schirripa (The Sopranos)

Fun.  Not fun when you have to get through that to go places though.  Not fun at all.

It was about as long as the line to buy Nintendo Wiis.

Ever seen one of those scary lampposts or poles that are so tilted, they look like they could fall and knock 15 years worth of knowledge out of your head in less than 10 seconds?  Yeah, well there's one on 23rd Street near the N/Q/R/W line and it creeps me out.

I also noticed that there a lot of wobbly pieces of concrete in that area.  They're gonna get sued one day, but that's okay because JOHNNA MONTONNA IS HERE TO MAKE US ALL FEEL BETTER!  Hooray for Disney-like parodies!  Look at her dance!  She's just so cute!

Get ready, get set, but DONT GO JOHNNA!

♥ Johnna's overly affectionate father who originally gave her a crappy name that she changed to "Johnna" because everyone called the "Johnna" anyway, Chotpy Ray Montonna

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Happy February!!!!

Super Tuesday is in two days, so I have decided to take an excerpt from my good friend over at And Along the Way and look at the two major Democratic candidates.

"Hillary Clinton's Top Three Issues: (As they appear on her site)

America's middle class is under siege and ready for change. People are working harder and longer for less and less. For six long years, America's middle class and working families have been invisible to our president. When Hillary is in the White House, no American will be invisible to the president of the United States.

America is ready for a leader who will end the war in Iraq. Hillary's roadmap out of Iraq, the Iraq Troop Protection and Reduction Act of 2007, is a plan to end the war before the next president takes the oath of office. But if the Bush administration won't end the war, as president and commander in chief, Hillary will.
The choices we make about energy touch nearly every aspect of our lives. Our economy, our national security, our health, and the future of our planet are all at stake as we make a choice between energy independence and dependence on foreign sources of oil. Hillary has proposed an Apollo Project-like program dedicated to achieving energy independence.

Here's the issue I thought was interesting, in all of it's uniqueness. I very much appreciate this issue.

Hillary's historic statement in 1995 that "women's rights are human rights" still echoes worldwide. As a lawyer, advocate, First Lady, and senator, Hillary has fought for issues important to women here at home and around the world for decades. Hillary will continue her lifelong fight to ensure that all Americans are treated with respect and dignity.

Barak Obama's Top Three Issues: (Again, as they appear on his site)

Civil Rights
There is no more fundamental American right than the right to vote. Before the landmark 1965 Voting Rights Act, barriers such as literacy tests, poll taxes and property requirements disenfranchised many Americans, especially minorities. More than 40 years later, there are still numerous obstacles to ensuring that every citizen has the ability to vote.

"We must build a world free of unnecessary barriers, stereotypes, and discrimination .... policies must be developed, attitudes must be shaped, and buildings and organizations must be designed to ensure that everyone has a chance to get the education they need and live independently as full citizens in their communities."

As president, Barack Obama will implement a 21st century economic agenda to help ensure that America can compete in a global economy, and ensure the middle class is thriving and growing. He will increase investments in infrastructure, energy independence, education, and research and development; modernize and simplify our tax code so it provides greater opportunity and relief to more Americans; and implement trade policies that benefit American workers and increase the export of American goods.

I especially thought this issue was interesting. I would never think "Faith" would be an issue for a political campaign.

In June of 2006, Senator Obama delivered what was called the most important speech on religion and politics in 40 years. Speaking before an evangelical audience, Senator Obama candidly discussed his own religious conversion and doubts, and the need for a deeper, more substantive discussion about the role of faith in American life."

Whoever wins, congratulations!!! I saw a couple of people with Obama posters on 42nd. There was something big yesterday for him around there.
I also saw a dude playing the guitar shoeless. Why he would want to is a mystery to me, but I didn't exactly have the right size shoes to give him...

Interesting!!!!!! There were also some B-Boys preparing for a show [I never got to see it though].

Guys...If you're gonna have a show, you have to start it before people leave!

:]  Choose wisely this Tuesday!

♥ Chotpy ♥
