Monday, November 17, 2008

My Search for the Best Point & Shoot Compact Camera

I've been looking for a new camera for months. I need one to capture the full beauty of the city and for class projects. Before, I had settled on the Canon PowerShot SD750 after seeing my coworker's beautiful, clear pictures. However, after searching the internet that desire was gone due to a common "LENS ERROR" that renders compact Canon cameras useless. I decided to continue my search in hopes of finding the best compact camera. Here are some I found.

In third place, I put the Canon PowerShot SD750 because it lakes beautiful pictures. However, as I stated earlier, beautiful pictures can't be taken with a paperweight. Until Canon chooses to recognize its cameras' errors, I'm not buying anything non-professional from them.

In second place, I put the Sony Cybershot DSCT300 because it also takes great pictures and looks very nice. The downside to Cybershot cameras is that the use Memory Sticks, not SD cards. Sorry SONY, I'm really not willing to shell out another $50 for some memory card I can't use with any other equipment. No, I'm not buying a PSP either.

In first place, I put the Panasonic DMC-LX3K because it is compact, yet semi-professional. It is more expensive, but it also takes great pictures (look it up on Flickr). I will most likely be buying this one in the near future.

Here are some pictures of the city that I took with my G1.

5th Avenue during a citywide marathon

Obama/Biden support days before the election

Packed 42nd Street station

Tricolor boots

Empty outdoor station

5th Avenue (23rd st) at night

Huge crowd on election day

Newly-emptied rental space on 5th Ave near 23rd street

5th Ave in the afternoon

As the escalators in the train stations say,
♥ Chotpy

1 comment:

Thrila said...

What about the Casio Ex slim? I know on black friday radioshack will be selling them for $100. I haven't heard anything too bad about them :3

It's fun to take pictures with our phone, right? My dad gave me his 8mp camera because he doesn't use it anymore. Hopefully the better pictures will make my blog better XD
